• Developing a committed workforce
  • Work positively and create innovation and daily activities
  • Working towards excellence by taking responsibility and deliver creatively
  • Expand self awareness, positivity, self belief and perseverance
  • Person responds does not react
  • People should know the office etiquettes and office behaviour
  • Correct way of Dressing and Body language
  • Importance of Inter personal and Inter departmental communication
  • How balanced communication is important
  • Employees should communicate fruitfully
  • Should be open to inputs and feedbacks
  • Should understand the importance of Probing and Listening skills
  • Able to use positive body language and voice tones
  • Should be able to transfer information accurately
  • Improve on creativity and Innovation for smart work
  • Developing professionalism and Interpersonal skills in work
  • Building your character and an effective personality
  • Ways to cultivate a responsible, accountable and motivational personality
  • Ways to cultivate a positive mental attitude and gain peace and happiness
  • Ways to prevent fatigue and keep spirits high
  • Setting goals, helps to move ahead
  • Need to handle difficult people, maybe subordinates
  • Give constructive not destructive criticism
  • Speak in Positive tones
  • Being Assertive and developing a professional attitude