• Introduction to the workshop
  • Opening Questions – Establishing the Objective of the workshop
  • Ocean of life concept
  • Coming out of the comfort zone, and  how shall it help
  • Success Principles
  • Power of your thinking
  • Designing your goals of the life
  • Triggering your inner GPS system
  • Unleash the power of goal setting
  • –          Balanced Goal Setting
  • –          SMART Goals
  • –          Breakthrough Goals
  • –          Short term – Mid Term – Long Term Goals
  • –          Exercise – Design and write your own goals
  • The Power of Focus
  • Preparing Tools to be near our goals always
  • Never ever give up
  • Programming your mind to win
  • Types of Roadblocks and how to overcome them
  • Being Unstoppable
  • Developing Self Esteem and loyalty towards the company
  • Developing professionalism and Interpersonal skills in work
  • Building your character and an effective personality
  • Ways to cultivate a responsible and motivational personality.
  • Ways to cultivate a positive mental attitude and gain peace and happiness
  • Ways to prevent fatigue and keep spirits high