Part I

  • Personality development seminars and developing camaraderie among peers
  • Professional Grooming, Body Language, Business Etiquettes, Handshakes
  • Telephone and Mobile Etiquettes, Listening Skills
  • Global Culture and Dining Etiquettes
  • Customer Orientation

Part II

  • Catered to sessions on Resume’ Writing, Interview Cracking Skills, Telephonic Interview
  • Handled high end Group Discussions and Debates.
  • High Performance Attitudes and Multiple Intelligence

Part III

  • Exhaustive Workshop on Presentation Skills
  • Time Management , Executive Development and Managerial Development Programs

Part IV

  • Team Building and Conflict Management Workshop , Administering SWOT Analysis
  • Managing Interpersonal Skills and use of Johari Window to adjudge self.
  • Art of conveying and receiving feedback
  • Handling Customers with delight, Customer Orientation

Part V

  • Written and Business Communication\
  • Art of writing and the difference between Written and Oral Communication
  • Characteristics, Structures and Principles of writing
  • Effective Minutes of the meetings and Technical Writing
  • Email Etiquettes and using it as a tool and protocols of writing

Part VI

  • Oral Communication, Overcome the fear of English
  • Speaking clearly, Appropriate use of – Role Plays , Conversation Openers

Part VII

  • Programs on How to unleash the power within
  • Stress Management Workshops – with a difference
  • Transformational Leadership
  • Increasing Sales
  • Super Student Workshops
  • Motivational Training Workshops
  • Developing Effective Communicators Workshop –5 days extensive module
  • Developing Personal Effectiveness at work – workshop
  • Team Building, Customer Focus and Interpersonal Communication workshop
  • Effective Management Skills workshop
  • Work Life Balance